
Viva Fiesta! - Texas Cavaliers River Parade in San Antonio

In April, San Antonio celebrates Fiesta. The Texas Cavaliers River Parade is one of the most  important events during Fiesta. 

It has been more than 10 years since we watched the parade downtown because we were always worried about the crowd and finding a parking space. This time, one of Texas Tourism Riverwalk hotels gave us tickets to watch the parade in front of their hotel with free valet parking. We thought it would be a great experience for the kids to see the Riverwalk parade the first time.

We sat in  front row seats on the sidewalk of the River Walk.  To prevent our kids from falling into the river, we tried to keep them calm as much as possible even though they kept playing with each other.

The parade started at 7 pm. from El Tropicano hotel. This year, the theme was Hollywood movies, live music, Broadway theatre, and live sports.

Our kids recognized some familiar movies or stories  such as Despicable Me and Cat in the Hat. So they had fun watching them. The older one sometimes danced when he liked the music that was played by the musicians on the floats. 

The parade ended at 9:00 pm, but we left a little bit early at 8:30 because the kids had school the next day.

It was a nice memorable night for us and our kids.

We were also happy to know that the charitable honoree this year was Morgan’s Wonderland and they received more than $800,000 from the Texas Cavaliers. They really deserve it!

About Fiesta

 Fiesta® has grown into a celebration of San Antonio’s rich and diverse cultures. Fiesta® has evolved into one of this nation’s premier festivals with an economic impact of more than $340 million for the Alamo City. Funds raised by official Fiesta® events provide services to San Antonio citizens throughout the year.

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